Powershell Script to Shutdown and Export Hyper-V VMs, one at a time, for Windows Server 2012 - 2016

by Stan Czerno September 8, 2012 10:13 CST
Powershell Script to Shutdown and Export Hyper-V VMs, one at a time, for Windows Server 2012.

Now that I have rebuilt my cluster using Windows Server 2012, I had to change my Export script since the new Powershell Management for Hyper-V 2012 is different from the PowerShell Management Library for Hyper-V. [More]

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Catergories: Windows | HyperV | Powershell

Windows 8 Metro

by Stan Czerno May 21, 2012 12:54 CST
I just wanted to write a few lines today about Windows 8 and the new Metro Home Screen. I have been [More]

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Catergories: Windows | Metro

PowerShell Script to create a report of Citrix XenApp v6-v6.5 Published Applications in Excel

by Stan Czerno November 18, 2011 14:45 CST
This script uses PowerShell and the Citrix XenApp PowerShell SDK to create a report of Citrix Published Applications in Excel. [More]

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Catergories: Citrix | XenApp | Powershell

Powershell Script to Shutdown and Export Hyper-V VMs, one at a time, for Windows Server 2008 R2.

by Stan Czerno July 21, 2011 13:17 CST
The script requires the PowerShell Management Library for Hyper-V for it to work. The PowerShell Management Library for Hyper-V can be downloaded at http://pshyperv.codeplex.com/ [More]

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Catergories: Windows | HyperV | Powershell

Powershell script to Live Migrate Hyper-V Virtual Machines back to it's Preferred Owner in a Hyper-V Cluster.

by Stan Czerno July 21, 2011 13:15 CST
I schedule this script to run at Startup of the Hyper-V Host to check to see if VMs have been Live Migrated to another Host.

If the VM has this Host set as being the Preferred Owner, Live Migrate them back to this Node. [More]

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Catergories: Windows | HyperV | Powershell

PowerShell script to Live Migrate Hyper-V Virtual Machines to another Node in a Hyper-V Cluster on a planned Host Shutdown

by Stan Czerno July 21, 2011 13:09 CST
On a planned or gracefull Hyper-V Host Shutdown, Live Migrate VMs to another Node in the Cluster. This Script is designed to work with a Two-Node Cluster.

You need to configure Group Policy or the Local Policy for the host to have a Shutdown Script. You'll find these settings under Computer Settings > Windows Settings > Scripts (Startup/Shutdown). [More]

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Catergories: Windows | HyperV | Powershell