Powershell Script to launch one or more Published Applications from Storefront 2.x

by Stan Czerno February 1, 2015 03:36 CST
In a previous post, I shared a PowerShell script to launch a Published App from one or more servers. I originally wrote this script because one of my lab XenApp 6.5 servers would not launch a Published Application. When I investigated what the issue was I was unable to determine the cause. The IMA Service was started, ICA was listening and responding, there was no load issues, etc, etc. This server was basically healthy. [More]

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Catergories: Citrix | Receiver | Storefront | XenApp | Powershell

How to get the Citrix Receiver for Windows 4.1 to work with XenApp 4 for UNIX

by Stan Czerno June 11, 2014 08:06 CST
I still support an old XenApp 4 for UNIX Farm. Any Citrix Client over version does not work correctly. The App loads but does not draw the screen correctly, leaving the app seemed either greyed out or just blue. [More]

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Catergories: Citrix | Receiver | XenApp