VBScript to Export XenServer VMs

by Stan Czerno January 24, 2013 07:28 CST
This Script runs from a Windows Machine with XenCenter installed. The script creates a list of all VMs in either a Pool or a stand-alone server, shuts down each VM, exports the VM, then starts the VM using XenCenter's XE command. [More]

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Catergories: Citrix | XenServer | VBScript

VBScript to create a report of Citrix Presentation Server v4-v4.5 and XenApp 5 Published Applications in Word

by Stan Czerno July 21, 2011 13:07 CST
This script uses MFCOM and VBScript to create a report of Citrix Published Applications in Word.
htt [More]

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Catergories: Citrix | XenApp | VBScript

Script to create a report of Citrix Presentation Server v4-v4.5 and XenApp 5 Published Applications in Excel

by Stan Czerno July 21, 2011 13:03 CST
This script uses MFCOM and VBScript to create a report of Citrix Published Applications in Exce [More]

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Catergories: Citrix | XenApp | VBScript

Hyper-V Virtual Machine Backup Script, which saves the state of the VMs.

by Stan Czerno July 21, 2011 09:59 CST
This Script saves the state of each VMs first, takes a VSS Snapshot, restores each VMs, exposes the [More]


Catergories: Windows | HyperV | VBScript

Hyper-V Virtual Machine Backup Script, which shuts down the VMs.

by Stan Czerno July 21, 2011 09:56 CST
This Script Shuts down all the VMs first then takes a VSS Snapshot, Starts the VMs, exposes the Snap [More]


Catergories: Windows | HyperV | VBScript