Application and User Usage Database and Reports for XenApp 6.5

by Stan Czerno March 5, 2014 04:37 CST
I like the concept of EdgeSight but it is a beast to maintain and I rarely use the Performance Metrics. What I use most often is Application Usage reports.

I loved using the old Resource Manager for creating Application and/or User Usage reports. I miss that basic function since I have been using XenApp 6.x for a few years now. EdgeSight was supposed to give me this but it does not since I am at the Enterprise Licensing tier for XenApp. [More]

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Catergories: Citrix | XenApp | Powershell

Windows Backup Powershell Script

by Stan Czerno March 1, 2014 13:13 CST
So I was browsing for a good PowerShell script that uses the built-in Windows Server Backup features. Augagneur Alexandre's script,, was a good start, so I took it a little further. [More]

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Catergories: Windows | Powershell | Windows Backup

PowerShell Script to Export XenServer VMs

by Stan Czerno February 13, 2013 09:16 CST
This Script runs from a Windows Machine with XenCenter installed. The script creates a list of all VMs in either a Pool or a stand-alone server, shuts down each VM, exports the VM, then starts the VM using XenCenter's XE command. [More]

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Catergories: Citrix | XenServer | Powershell

Powershell Script to Shutdown and Export Hyper-V VMs, one at a time, for Windows Server 2012 - 2016

by Stan Czerno September 8, 2012 10:13 CST
Powershell Script to Shutdown and Export Hyper-V VMs, one at a time, for Windows Server 2012.

Now that I have rebuilt my cluster using Windows Server 2012, I had to change my Export script since the new Powershell Management for Hyper-V 2012 is different from the PowerShell Management Library for Hyper-V. [More]

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Catergories: Windows | HyperV | Powershell

PowerShell Script to create a report of Citrix XenApp v6-v6.5 Published Applications in Excel

by Stan Czerno November 18, 2011 14:45 CST
This script uses PowerShell and the Citrix XenApp PowerShell SDK to create a report of Citrix Published Applications in Excel. [More]

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Catergories: Citrix | XenApp | Powershell

Powershell Script to Shutdown and Export Hyper-V VMs, one at a time, for Windows Server 2008 R2.

by Stan Czerno July 21, 2011 13:17 CST
The script requires the PowerShell Management Library for Hyper-V for it to work. The PowerShell Management Library for Hyper-V can be downloaded at [More]

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Catergories: Windows | HyperV | Powershell