by Stan Czerno
June 11, 2014 08:06 CST
I still support an old XenApp 4 for UNIX Farm. Any Citrix Client over version does not work correctly. The App loads but does not draw the screen correctly, leaving the app seemed either greyed out or just blue.
by Stan Czerno
June 11, 2014 04:06 CST
Two weeks ago I had a server in my lab that would not launch an application. The event log had event 10001 listed and it read "A usable server cannot be found on which to launch the application...".
So I checked out my homegrown monitoring service (which I will blog about later on) and everything was fine. The User Load was 0, the ICA port was listening and responding correctly, the XML service was running, etc. etc., but nothing would launch. This server has been running fine for more than two years.
by Stan Czerno
March 5, 2014 04:37 CST
I like the concept of EdgeSight but it is a beast to maintain and I rarely use the Performance Metrics. What I use most often is Application Usage reports.
I loved using the old Resource Manager for creating Application and/or User Usage reports. I miss that basic function since I have been using XenApp 6.x for a few years now. EdgeSight was supposed to give me this but it does not since I am at the Enterprise Licensing tier for XenApp.
by Stan Czerno
March 1, 2014 13:13 CST
So I was browsing for a good PowerShell script that uses the built-in Windows Server Backup features. Augagneur Alexandre's script,, was a good start, so I took it a little further.
by Stan Czerno
February 13, 2013 09:16 CST
This Script runs from a Windows Machine with XenCenter installed. The script creates a list of all VMs in either a Pool or a stand-alone server, shuts down each VM, exports the VM, then starts the VM using XenCenter's XE command.
by Stan Czerno
January 24, 2013 07:28 CST
This Script runs from a Windows Machine with XenCenter installed. The script creates a list of all VMs in either a Pool or a stand-alone server, shuts down each VM, exports the VM, then starts the VM using XenCenter's XE command.